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Oct 28, 2021

Meet Dashawn "Rams" Davis, a point guard who will make his debut with Oregon State basketball this season. On this episode, Rams reflects on his journey in school and in basketball - from The Bronx, NY to Corvallis, OR with multiple stops along the way.

Rams has joined the NILImageMakers family. Contact us at

Oct 22, 2021

I explain the process leading up to Washington State University Head Coach Nick Rolovich's termination for cause and the legal options that he can pursue now.

Coaches, set a one-on-one meeting with me to discuss my Coach's Career Development Program:

Oct 14, 2021

Jesse Spector (@jessespector), a writer for Deadspin, joins me to talk about all the drama swirling in football from Jon Gruden's emails (and the Washington Football Team investigation), to Urban Meyer's behavior at a bar in Ohio, to the money Brett Favre owes to Mississippi. We also discuss sports investigate...

Oct 7, 2021

This week I'm introducing my listeners to five transformational people: youth football Coach Terry Orchard, Reverend France Davis, Kent A. Jones M.D., Lonnie Paulos, M.D., and basketball Coach Kerry Rupp. You'll get to know them as I take you inside the 2021 Ron McBride Foundation Legacy Gala and the Cypress High School...

Oct 1, 2021

Charlie Meyer, an attorney based in Indianapolis who specializes in intellectual property (IP) law, joins this week's episode to give guidance on how to protect a personal brand through trademarks in the context of NIL. We talk about the ability (or inability) to use university marks in everything from pitches...